Amazon Connect Dynamic Contact Flow Demo Lambda
This is the Lambda function used for the Amazon Connect Dynamic Contact Flow Demo.
// Get the AWS SDK and Dynamo SDKs ready var AWS = require("aws-sdk"); var docClient = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(); //Sets the timezone environment variable for the Lambda function process.env.TZ = "America/New_York"; exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => { // set the options for the date format var dateOptions = { weekday: "short", year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric" }; // set the variables to record the current local date and time var currentShortDate = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); var currentLongDate = new Date().toLocaleDateString("en-US", dateOptions); var currentTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString("en-US"); var currentTimeStamp = new Date().toString(); //log the incoming event from Amazon Connect for troubleshooting purposes console.log("Received event from Amazon Connect at: " + currentTimeStamp); console.log("Amazon Connect Event Details: " + JSON.stringify(event)); //set the variables for the customer ANI and unique contact ID var sourcePhoneNumber = event.Details.ContactData.CustomerEndpoint.Address; var currentContactId = event.Details.ContactData.ContactId; //set up the database query to be used to lookup customer information from DynamoDB var paramsQuery = { //DynamoDB Table Name. Replace with your table name TableName: 'connectDemo', KeyConditionExpression: "phoneNumber = :varNumber", ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":varNumber": sourcePhoneNumber } }; //set up the database query to be used to update the customer information record in DynamoDB var paramsUpdate = { //DynamoDB Table Name. Replace with your table name TableName: 'connectDemo', Key: { "phoneNumber": sourcePhoneNumber }, ExpressionAttributeValues: { ":var1": currentTimeStamp, ":var2": currentLongDate, ":var3": currentTime, ":var4": currentContactId, }, UpdateExpression: "SET lastCalledTimeStamp = :var1, lastCalledDate = :var2, lastCalledTime = :var3, lastCalledCallId = :var4" }; //use the lookup query (paramsQuery) we set up to lookup the customer data based on the source phone number from DynamoDB docClient.query(paramsQuery, function (err, dbResults) { //check to make sure the query executed correctly, if so continue, if not error out the lambda function if (err) { console.log(err); // an error occurred; } //if no error occured, proceed to process the resutls that came back from DynamoDB else { //log the results from the DynamoDB query console.log("DynamoDB Query Results:" + JSON.stringify(dbResults)); //check to ensure only 1 record came back for the customer phone number if (dbResults.Items.length === 1) { //set variables for the pertinet information from the returned database record: var lastCalledDate = dbResults.Items[0].lastCalledDate; var lastCalledTime = dbResults.Items[0].lastCalledTime; var customerFirstName = dbResults.Items[0].firstName; var customerLastName = dbResults.Items[0].lastName; //check to see if there is a record of a previous call, and set the previous call variable accordingly var customerFirstCall = true; if (lastCalledDate) { customerFirstCall = false } //update the customer record in the database with the new call information using the paramsUpdate query we setup above: docClient.update(paramsUpdate, function (err, data) { if (err) console.log("Unable to update item. Error: ", JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)); else console.log("Updated item succeeded: ", JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); }); callback(null, buildResponseNumberFound(customerFirstName, customerLastName, lastCalledDate, lastCalledTime, customerFirstCall)); } else { customerFirstCall = true; docClient.update(paramsUpdate, function (err, data) { if (err) console.log("Unable to update item. Error: ", JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)); else console.log("Updated item succeeded: ", JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); }); callback(null, buildResponseNumberNotFound(customerFirstCall)); } } }); }; //This is the function that will be called on a successful callback if we find the phone number in our database function buildResponseNumberFound(customerFirstName, customerLastName, lastCalledDate, lastCalledTime, customerFirstCall) { var results = { firstName: customerFirstName, lastName: customerLastName, lastCalledDate: lastCalledDate, lastCalledTime: lastCalledTime, firstCall: customerFirstCall, phoneNumberFound: true, lambdaResult: "Success" }; console.log("Lambda's Response to Amazon Connect is: " + JSON.stringify(results)); return results; } //This is the function that will be called on a successful callback if we don't find the phone number in our database function buildResponseNumberNotFound(customerFirstCall) { var results = { firstCall: customerFirstCall, phoneNumberFound: false, lambdaResult: "Success" }; console.log("Lambda's Response to Amazon Connect is: " + JSON.stringify(results)); return results; } //This is the function that will be called on an error function buildResponseFailed() { var results = { lambdaResult: "Error" }; console.log("Lambda's Response to Amazon Connect is: " + JSON.stringify(results)); return results; }